The Impact of Physical Therapy on Heart Health

February is National Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about heart health. While diet and medication are often highlighted, physical therapy plays a crucial role in improving cardiovascular health. Through personalized exercises and lifestyle education, physical therapists help individuals strengthen their heart and manage heart conditions. Improves Cardiovascular Fitness: Regular physical activity is essential. . .

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Pine Lake East Open House and Ribbon Cutting Event

It was a perfect night to celebrate the opening of clinic number 20 on Tues., Aug 15th. Together with LIBA, Makovicka Physical Therapy owners and staff proudly cut the ribbon and thanked the community for the support of our company. This is the fourth clinic for Makovicka Physical Therapy in Lincoln, plus Waverly. The evening. . .

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Its All About Culture

Makovicka Physical Therapy Culture video

What makes Makovicka Physical Therapy different? It’s our culture of excellence, compassion, integrity, and more. It’s how we treat every patient like family- just how YOU want your family treated. It’s being owned locally by physical therapists. It’s our people, and the environment of mentoring, support, and expertise. But don’t take our word for it,. . .

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Makovicka Physical Therapy Wins First Place in Best of Omaha Contest

Best of Omaha 2023 Physical Therapy

Makovicka Physical Therapy is part of the 3% of Omaha businesses privileged to use the Best of Omaha logo! Since 2012, Makovicka Physical Therapy has been in the top 3 winners in the Best of Omaha contest for physical therapy providers. In three of the years, including 2021 and 2022, Makovicka Physical Therapy was voted. . .

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Trigger Finger

Trigger finger

What is trigger finger?  Trigger finger is defined as a finger or thumb that gets “locked” when you bend the finger towards your palm and then try to straighten the finger.  This action can result in pain, stiffness, and “locking” of the finger in the bent position. Occasionally, a person requires the use of their. . .

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Makovicka Physical Therapy Wins Best of Omaha Physical Therapy Category

Best of Omaha logo-2022 First Place in Physical Therapy

Makovicka Physical Therapy won first place in the annual Best of Omaha campaign for 2022. The announcement was made at the Best of Omaha Soiree held on Thursday, October 28th at the downtown Omaha Design Center. A team from Makovicka Physical Therapy’s corporate office was in attendance at the announcement.   Best of Omaha is. . .

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Husker Elliott Brown Chooses Makovicka Physical Therapy for Rehab

Elliot on a ball

It’s hard to believe an athlete the caliber of Elliott Brown has never had surgery. After experiencing multiple shoulder dislocations, his surgery was to repair a torn labrum and biceps tendon; significant because the labrum provides shoulder stability in all directions, and the biceps tendon attaches to the top of the labrum which often gets. . .

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Makovicka Physical Therapy Moves to New Gretna Location

Gretna Clinic

Makovicka Physical Therapy announces a new clinic location to expand the operations and better serve the growing Gretna community.  Scheduled to be open for patients on Monday, June 1, the new address is 20024 Glenmore Drive (Hwy 370 and 200th Street) in the same building as Kocian Family Dentistry. The new location provides an open clinic environment with lots of. . .

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Makovicka Physical Therapy Receives 2020 Lincoln Choice Award

Lincoln's Choice 2020 Runner Up

The voting was completed many weeks ago, and the tallies are in. Makovicka Physical Therapy is proud to receive a 2020 Lincoln Choice Award as the Runner Up in the physical therapy category. “This is a reflection of the great, hardworking staff we have at our 4 Lincoln metro locations”, said Kathy Byrnes, Director of. . .

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Coronavirus-All Clinics Open and Now Offering Telehealth

COVID image

We are committed to the safety of our patients and staff. Read below for the latest updates: Updated–April 24, 2020 Makovicka Physical Therapy has worked diligently to keep our patients and employees safe since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. We support a new initiative with state leaders and private corporations to take care of. . .

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