Gait Dysfunction

Generic Walking Symbol

As we get older and with certain neurological conditions the way that we walk can change.  Those gait impairments can increase your risk of falling and cause pain in other parts of your body due to imbalances while walking.  Physical therapy can be an important component in helping decrease your risk of falling and improve. . .

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Never exercised in your life? It’s not too late to start — and benefit.

Never too late sign

As the year comes to an end and new year resolutions are formulating, we found this to be a great article from the Washington Post. Physical therapists are movement specialists, and we encourage you to consult a health expert before beginning any new exercise program. Diana Bridger was 59 years old and a self-described “committed. . .

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A Minor Injury Doesn’t Mean You Need To Stop Exercising

Healthy New Year

The majority of New Years Resolutions that are made involve some effort to get healthier, and for many that means a new exercise routine. A recent study by the University College London determined that it takes 21 days to develop a habit, so if you have stuck with your new exercise routine up to this. . .

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