Do you ever suffer from dizziness, lightheadedness, or get a spinning sensation (also known as vertigo) that affects your balance? If so, you are not alone. It has been found that up to 30% of adults are affected by dizziness and/or vertigo, which can affect your balance and ultimately can lead to falls. Components of Balance There are three components/systems that make up your. . .
Category: Balance
Fall Risk Identification
One in 3 adults over the age of 65 will fall each year and most falls occur at home. Women fall more than men, but men are more likely to die from a fall. Falling is the leading cause of injury death in adults over age 65. Being fearful of falling makes you more likely. . .
Lack of Balance
One in 3 adults over the age of 65 will fall each year and most falls occur at home. Women fall more than men, but men are more likely to die from a fall. Falling is the leading cause of injury death in adults over age 65. Being fearful of falling makes you more likely. . .
Makovicka Opens its 10th Clinic in 9 Years
Makovicka Physical Therapy is pleased to announce its newest clinic opening in Bellevue in December 2017. The physical therapy clinic will be located near the corner of Cornhusker Highway and Fort Crook Road. As with all nine existing clinics, this location will be staffed with board certified orthopedic specialists who have advanced training and skills. . .
Winter Ice Hazard Causing Slips and Falls
The ice storm that we are experiencing has been forecasted for several days, and it came as expected. Sidewalks, streets, driveways, and steps are covered with ice, making it hazardous to be outside. But if you do need to go out, we urge you to be careful. Allow ice melt to diminish the ice around. . .
What Our Clients Are Saying
We can’t tell you how much it warms the heart when we hear how we have helped improve the quality of life for our patients. Our focus may be on the science of making the human body move and feel better, but it never gets old hearing how it makes our patients truly FEEL better. . .
Is Your Game Off Balance?
There has been a myriad of research performed about which factors can propel an athlete to the top of his or her field as well as factors that are important in prevention of debilitating injury. The common component in each case is the athletes’ acute, precise ability to sense and minutely control their own position. . .
Balance Training
Does the environment around you seem to be moving even if you’re not? Do you feel as though you need assistance where ever you walk in case you might fall? We would be happy to help you figure out the cause of these problems. Below are the three systems that help with how we balance. . .