Patellofemoral Dysfunction — Pain in the Knee

Knee Cap

From the time we are young, our knees are under a lot of stress. Between falling off your bike, jumping, walking, running, and climbing, your knees take the brunt of the force and can become painful. One of the most common causes of knee pain is patellofemoral dysfunction or a problem with the kneecap itself.. . .

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Orthopedic Injury

It’s important to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible when you have questions about injuries. Read our latest blog for information, and remember: all Makovicka Physical Therapy clinics offer a Complimentary Consultation by appointment to discuss your questions with a physical therapist. Q: What is an orthopedic injury? A: An orthopedic injury is. . .

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Knee Pain

Adjusting the cuff

As the new year has approached, some may have set New Year’s resolutions that may include improving their physical activity, improving their daily eating habits, or a number of things. With people wanting to improve their physical activity or beginning their new work out regime, some new aches or pains may start to arise. A. . .

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