Pregnancy and Post-Partum

pregnant woman

The Makovicka Difference

We are leaders in our profession, locally owned and operated by physical therapists who forge relationships with patients, and advocate for their care. All of our clinics have board-certified specialists on staff, meaning you get the highest level of care to maximize your recovery, and get you back to your game. We will listen, evaluate your symptoms, and create a personalized physical therapy program to meet your needs and improve your function, strength, and mobility.

Did you know a women’s health physical therapist is trained in pregnancy and post-partum care and can help safely navigate this unique time?

Makovicka’s 3 C’s of Pregnancy and Post-partum; Continue, Careful, and Consider

Continue during Pregnancy:

Exercise routines and modify as necessary as you progress in your pregnancy (with physician approval). Activity is good for you and your baby.
Hydrating with water and fueling your body with plenty of nutrients from whole foods.

Be Careful during Pregnancy:

Decrease the amount of time spent exercising or lying on your back around the 20-week mark of your pregnancy.
Watch for abdominal coning with exercise or lifting (protrusion in the center of your abdomen).
When lifting, be sure to keep all objects (including other children) close to your body to avoid excess strain on your back, pelvic organs, and pelvic floor.
Avoid straining (holding your breath) with exercise, lifting, and during bowel movements as this may increase your chance of diastasis and pelvic organ prolapse.

During Pregnancy, Consider:

A maternity belt to support your lower back and growing belly.
Hip and glute exercises to support and stabilize your pelvis.
Physical therapy if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort or would like help with exercise and injury prevention.
Women’s health physical therapists can also help you with proper pushing mechanics for delivery.

Post-partum, Continue:

Being careful with lifting and carrying your new baby, trying to keep him or her as close to your body as possible.
Proper hydration and nutrition. You need even more water and fuel from whole food now!
GENTLE pelvic floor and abdominal contractions as early as 24 hours after delivery (with physician approval).
With cesarean births, scar mobilization 3-4 weeks following delivery (with physician approval).
About 30 minutes of pain-free walking daily.

Be Careful, Post-Partum:

Avoid cardio exercise, aside from a walking program, until cleared by a physician.
Your hormones can take a long time to return to their pre-pregnancy state, leaving you more prone to injury, pelvic organ prolapse, and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Once cleared, return to exercise slowly, focusing first on pain-free core exercise.

Post-Partum, Consider:

It took 9 months to create your baby, allow yourself AT LEAST that amount of time to recover and heal.
Physical therapy as early as 2 weeks post-partum to help with diastasis healing, pain management, return to exercise, and any early signs of pelvic floor dysfunction!

Contact Kelsey Swan PT, DPT, board-certified orthopaedic specialist, at 402-991-2745.