Makovicka Physical Therapy clinics collected diapers this holiday season as part of the Makovicka Cares! Program. The need is great: babies typically go through eight diapers per day, which is about 3,000 diapers in their first year and 8,000 diapers in their lifetime. Diapers are essential to a baby’s health and well-being, yet families often struggle to meet this basic need. Makovicka Physical Therapy was proud to support eight agencies in our clinic communities who assist families in need:
The Center for People provides food, clothing and diapers to low-income families in the Lincoln area.
The Community Action Partnership of Lancaster & Saunders County empowers people living in poverty to reach economic stability.
The Junior League of Lincoln Diaper Bank focuses on providing diapers to over 6,000 children in Lancaster County.
The Lydia House provides safe shelter available for more than 300 women and families.
The Nebraska Diaper Bank provides diapers to low-income families while raising awareness of the basic health needs for diapers.
The Release Care Closet provides tangible help to children and families involved in the foster system.
The Saunders County Food Pantry provides support for those in need in Saunders County.
Under His Wings provides “Baby Basics” to families in need in Cass County.
Diaper collection began November 4th and concluded December 6th. Donations from all twenty-one clinics exceeded 28,700 and were delivered to the eight agencies in mid-December. Makovicka Physical Therapy is committed to supporting our community, and we are grateful for the generosity of all involved – patients, staff and families. This is the 6th consecutive year Makovicka Physical Therapy has collected diapers, with a total of 162,552 diapers donated to agencies in need over the years. With another diaper drive behind us, we look forward to all we can do to support our community in the year ahead!