Makovicka Physical Therapy Partnering with Hy-Vee Dieticians

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Makovicka Physical Therapy Partnering with Hy-Vee Dietitians Omaha, NE—To ensure that physical therapy patients receive an optimal diet regimen that can assist in faster healing and recovery from injuries, Makovicka Physical Therapy has formed a partnership with Hy-Vee and their extensive nutrition program. This marks the latest in Makovicka’s mission to provide progressive, full-service physical. . .

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Health Care Contracting and Negotiation: What does this mean to the consumer?

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Natalie Harms, PT, MPT, DPT, GCS There has been much press lately regarding the lack of resolution between Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska and Alegent Creighton Health (now called CHI Health) or UniNet Healthcare Network (the contracting agent for Alegent Creighton Health, now CHI Health). The current challenge is that Blue Cross Blue Shield. . .

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Back to Sports!

Susan Coe, MPH, RD, LMNT Registered Dietitian / Trained Wellness Coach Pacific Street Hy-Vee Dietitian School is back in session and fall sports practices are right around the corner. Success on the field starts in your kitchen! Fuel your athlete’s performance and endurance with these winning tips from your Hy-Vee registered dietitians. Power Up Eating. . .

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